Uniform fittings will be on Tuesday 

August 13th 



The Gale Center is located at 2601 Elm Street.  Last door on the right that faces South street.


5&6 and 11&12 year olds at 5:30

7&8 and 9&10 year olds at 6:30

We Will Use The Same Uniform As Last Year.

Used Uniform Sale on Tuesday  5 p.m. @ the 

 Gale Center

These will be FIRST COME FIRST SERVE and each

 parent will be responsible for selling their own used

 uniform. We will have tables set up to display but

 parents are on their own for pricing and selling. If

 your uniform still fits and your do NOT need a new

 one you still must come to fitting to get t-shirt and

 shorts ordered. Please spread the word. You will

 hear from a coach sometime in the next week. 

Thanks for your patience! 

We are excited about a great year!
